Surely if you think of a movie session there is a food that automatically appears in your head.
Popcorn is always a good snack for watching movies or for those homey, rainy afternoons. They are that munches that you can eat without guilt because it is full of fiber and is delicious with a spicy sauce or, accompanied by something sweet.
They can always be taken to the next level: not only make them like in the movies, but take advantage of the ingredients you have on hand to make a memorable snack at Netflix and Chill time. If you love popcorns as well, you may want to read blogs such as is lesser evil popcorn healthy.

Popcorn is the essential companion to enjoy any movie, so much so that it has become a universal icon of the seventh art. The origin of popcorn dates back thousands of years. In Mexico, for example, they have found remains of popcorn dating back to 3600 BC. C., but it was a long time later, at the beginning of the 20th century, when the consumption of this product became popular around the cinema.
Today we propose a recipe for butter popcorn so that you can take the cinema home, it is very easy! Popcorn is a very complete food rich in fiber, minerals and vitamins. In addition, by preparing them yourself you can control much better the amount of oil, sugar or salt you use and cook them in a much healthier way. Get ready for an afternoon at home movies while enjoying some fresh butter popcorn. Camera and… action!
- We put the two tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil in a pan. Once the oil is hot, add the raw corn kernels. Avoid using too small a pan. Ideally, the corn kernels should form a single layer so that the heat is distributed evenly and the corn is done at the same time. When we have added the corn, we cover the pan and heat it over medium heat.
- We keep the pan covered while the popcorn explodes. We will know that they are ready when the noise frequency is lower. So we lower the fire and wait until they don’t make noise. That will indicate that all the corn kernels have already popped and our popcorn is almost ready.
- While the popcorn is exploding, we melt the butter in a bowl. For this you can use the microwave and heat it in a water bath. Once melted, we add the sugar. When the popcorn stops making noise, uncover it, add the butter mixture with the sugar and stir to mix well. Then we remove them from the heat and put them in a bowl. It is best to wait a little before consuming them and let them cool to avoid burning ourselves.
- If you are more salty, try adding a little salt to the melted butter for some delicious popcorn like those from the movies.
- You can also add colorants of different shades to make your popcorn more colorful.
Additionally, read this post regarding drug addiction treatment. Here are some strategies for supporting a loved one who is abusing drugs to help them kick the habit while also taking care of yourself. Read on for more details.